Expense Manager

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Earn, Manage, Save and Spend!

Do you find it difficult to track your day-to-day expenses? Well, now you can manage all your monthly expenses with the brand-new FedMobile app. The app comes with an effective Expense Manager feature that aids you in recording all the expenses done through your savings accounts maintained with Federal Bank. It also allows you to track your expenses by setting a budget for the month.

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How to read your Dashboard?

  1. Login to the FedMobile app and tap on the ‘monthly saver’ banner on the Home screen to read the dashboard.
  2. Budgets vs Expenses Graph: This lets you take a quick overview of your expenditure for the current month against the budget set by you
  3. Your expenses: Your expenses for the month is mainly divided into 6 categories automatically. Tap on the pie chart to view the expense details of each month. You can switch between different accounts to see expenses under them.
  4. Uncategorized Expenses: Most of the expenses done online will be categorized automatically by the app. However, expenses such as cash withdrawal from ATM, money transfer from your account, etc., will fall under the ‘uncategorized’ section as the end use of the money will not be known to the app.
  5. Categorize the expense: To manually categorize the expenses, select the transaction under the ‘Uncategorized’ section, and swipe left. Tap on the transaction to split and classify into multiple categories.

Track Your Expenses from Different Accounts Easily

Know where your money is going and how best you can control your expenses to boost your savings. The new FedMobile allows you to track your monthly expenses under different savings accounts you have with Federal Bank. The app bifurcates the expenditures under various expense categories.

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How to track your expenses under various accounts?

  1. Login to the FedMobile app, tap on the ‘monthly saver’ slider on the Home screen and go to the ‘Accounts’ tab.
  2. Tap on the edit icon on the right side of each account to provide a custom name to that account.
  3. Select an account to see a detailed list of categorized and uncategorized expenses and the total amount spent for the month.

The First Step towards Managing Your Money Better!

FedMobile presents you a smart way to manage your expenses. You can now keep a check on your spending by setting budgets for every spend category. Once the budget is set for each category, the app will provide you a status tracker.

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How to set a budget?

  1. Login to the FedMobile app, tap on the ‘monthly saver’ slider on the Home screen, and go to ‘Budget.’
  2. Tap on ‘Add a New Budget’ and select category.
  3. Set the monthly budget amount for each category.
  4. Edit or delete the entries under budget by tapping on the edit icon on the right of each entry.
Important Note:

You can set a new budget as per your requirements every month.

Have an Accurate Idea of Your Spending

Keep a track of your spends! Analyze your daily expenses against the set budget through our reports. Use the report section of the expense manager feature to understand your spending pattern.

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How to read the reports of your expenses?

  1. Login to the FedMobile app, tap on the ‘monthly saver’ slider on the Home screen, and go to ‘Reports.’
  2. View the graph on Dashboard to analyse your expenses.Tap on ‘Expenses by Category’ to view all categorized expenses.
  3. Tap on the ‘uncategorized’ icon to view all the uncategorized expenses
  4. Tap on ‘Expenses by Day’ to view your daily expenses.

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