Federal Rewards Program


For accessing the Federal Rewards Program, we would redirect you to the website managed by Loylty Rewardz Mgmt Pvt Ltd. By clicking “Agree and Continue”, you shall be re-directed to a platform controlled by a third party Loylty Rewardz Mgmt Pvt Ltd.

By clicking “Agree and Continue”, you expressly provide your consent to the Bank for disclosing the following details to Loylty Rewardz Mgmt Pvt Ltd for the purpose of providing you with services regarding Reward Management:

  • Customer ID

All services offered through the platform are facilitated by Loylty Rewardz Mgmt Pvt Ltd. Your use of the services through the platform would be thus governed by the Terms and Conditions of the Services of the platform available at https://www.federalrewards.in/content/terms-conditions, which you may please go through and confirm. By clicking “Agree and Continue”, it would be deemed that you have read the said platform Terms and Conditions, and that you have provided your acceptance to the same.