Flight Booking

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The Best Way to Book Your Flight Ticket

Want to find the best option to book flight tickets at reasonable prices? Download the new FedMobile app to book your flight tickets online quicker and faster. It’s the smarter way to fly to your favourite destination.

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How to book a flight ticket using FedMobile?

  1. Login to the FedMobile app, and tap on ‘Flights’ under services on the Home screen.
  2. Enter your journey details and proceed.
  3. Select the preferred flight and review the details.
  4. Enter your details and proceed.
  5. Select the preferred payment mode and enter the PIN to complete the transaction.

Important Note:

Tap on the ellipsis (the three dots) on the top right corner, and go to ‘My Bookings’ to view the details of your upcoming, completed, and cancelled flight bookings.

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